Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP) is a Canadian immigration programme aimed at addressing labour shortages in the four Atlantic provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The programme was launched in 2017 and has since assisted in bringing in skilled workers and their families to fill job vacancies and stimulate regional economic growth.

Because the AIPP is an employer-driven programme, employers in the Atlantic provinces can participate by collaborating with the government and recruiting foreign workers with the necessary skills and experience. The programme is designed to attract three types of foreign workers: skilled workers, intermediate skilled workers, and international graduates.

Employers must meet certain eligibility criteria and obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), which confirms that there are no Canadians available to fill the job vacancy, to participate in the programme. Once the employer has obtained an LMIA, they can apply to the AIPP on behalf of the foreign worker.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

Foreign workers interested in the AIPP must also meet certain eligibility criteria, such as having a valid job offer from an employer in the Atlantic region, meeting the minimum language requirements, and having the required education, work experience, and qualifications.

One of the AIPP's distinguishing features is that it provides support services to both employers and foreign workers to assist them in navigating the immigration process and settling into their new communities. For example, to assist foreign workers and their families in adjusting to life in the Atlantic provinces, the programme provides settlement services, language training, and employment services.

Since its inception, the AIPP has been successful in attracting skilled workers and their families to the Atlantic region, thereby filling job openings and stimulating economic growth. According to government statistics, the programme has welcomed over 6,000 immigrants to the Atlantic region since its inception, and over 2,000 employers have participated.

The AIPP has also been lauded for its adaptable and streamlined application process, which enables employers to quickly and easily hire foreign workers when they are needed. The programme is seen as a win-win situation for both employers and foreign workers, as it addresses labour market shortages while also providing opportunities for skilled workers to immigrate to Canada and start a new life in the Atlantic region.

Overall, the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program is a successful and innovative immigration programme that is addressing labour market shortages in the Atlantic region and bringing skilled workers and their families to Canada. With its employer-driven approach and emphasis on settlement and integration services, the programme is assisting in the economic development of the Atlantic provinces.


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